Avgusta imam prosti čas in nisem vedela, kaj naj počnem sama s seboj. Bilo mi je dolgčas, zato sem se odločil, da se odpeljem do Slovenskih Konjic. To je približno 20 minut vožnje z avtomobilom iz mojega rojstnega Maribora (Slovenija).
Obstaja čudovit majhen ZOO, imenovan Minizoo Land. Zelo priporočljivo, če imate otroke. Je zelo dobro zgrajeno in tam je veliko zanimivosti in tako raznolikih živali.
Družite se lahko s kenguruji, levi, lemurji, flamingi, opicami, papigami, sovami itd.
Vem, da si vsi želite slišati renčanje levov! Slišal sem, ko sem stal približno 2 metra stran od njega in bila je res neverjetna in hkrati strašljiva izkušnja! Vesela sem, da je bila ograja med nami, ker se bom verjetno zmočila (saj veste, kaj mislim).
Samo poglejte ga! TAKO močna žival! Pravi KRALJ!
Tudi jaz sem lev v svojem nebesnem znamenju in moj priimek je King, tako da sem tudi levji kralj! Končno sem spoznal svoje “prijatelje” v resničnem življenju! Začutili smo takojšnjo povezanost. Ne morem opisati, kako močno in energično je bilo to soočenje! Mogoče samo reče “Živjo!” Moram se naučiti jezika Lion na Duolingu, če obstaja kakšna možnost.
I am a huge fan of Flamingos, Lemurs and Raccoons!! could be in their company like forever!!
Never had a chance to pet one of them but here you can actually do it!
I was hanging around with lemurs and pet them and feed them with vegetables I was in their cage! I almost cried! Such a vulnerable creatures with such a funny behaviour. They were really soft when I touch them. I was like giant to them and they trust me instantly you cannot get this reaction with humans you just can’t!
There was a lot of interest for seeing flamingos by the all visitors in the ZOO. They are such an incredible colorised animals and very exotic animals to our area here in Slovenia. You cannot see them anywhere near this place. I study them for a lot of time. They are so funny on their super thin legs which looks like straws. Colour of the feathers are incredible and I cannot imagine that mother earth can be so playful.
In Minizoo Land you can find a lot of birds and domestic animals as well!
I often see goats and pigs which was my favourite animals when I was a kid. They have very cute noses haha. But I was more interested in birds and parrots. Specially Macaw and Aras parrots. You also can feed parrots and be very close to them. However, they started yell at you special of you don’t bring them the particular fruit they wish to get. It was so funny.
After some hours of hanging around my arms started to hurt and my stomach started to growl as well I have decided to end my visit and going home. It just felt so great and I wish to be there much more time but I criss crossed the whole ZOO and I captured a lot of good images. I will go there again definitly because its such an amazing place to be.
Here you can see some additional shots of the animals I have hanged around with.
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